AIDI INU —” The Crypto SuperDoge”

Aidi Founder
5 min readMay 24, 2021


Before I enter into the crypto jargon’s, I want to introduce myself, my Haru and his buddy Ryuji. Haru is my fur-real friend, my companion, who work in pack with his buddy Ryuji (Our neighbour’s dog). Haru is an Aidi, an African breed mostly found in Morocco. He was 30-days-old when I brought him home. He is now big and strong, likes roaming around the house playing with Ryugi - The French Bull. By the time Ryugi is dead sleep at night, Haru would stay vigilant and responds to all noises, won’t even miss a needle fall on the haystack. The trust I have in Haru is cosmic. He never lets the guard down.

Coming to me, All I want to say is that my real name doesn’t matter here because blockchain is all about decentralized trust. You’ll get to know why my identity is not important, after completely reading this post. But for now, you can call me Hiro Ohashi.

I’m a bank accountant by day and crypto currency trader by night . I inspects thousands of transactions per day. I’ve spent half my life, balancing credit- debit books, verifying sources, validating transactions, validating, validating and validating. Long story short — I’m good at validating stuffs and enjoy trading crypto currencies.

At home, Haru always sits by my side while trading crypto currencies. I call him, “The Crypto SuperDoge!”

The Journey

My banking career and cryptocurrency trading experiences made me think about experimenting a token with the following traits:

  • It should comply to all the principals of decentralization.
  • Could be started from scratch with $0 investment.
  • Should be 100% community driven.
  • And it should generate decent rewards for every stakeholders.

After some months of research, I decided to create a decentralized token. And as I started sharing my decision with my friends, A lot of questions was thrown at me and the most important question was:

Why do we need Decentralization?

Each time I face this question, I always try to explain the unexplained or rarely mentioned problems with centralized platforms first. Centralized platforms always go with a formulaic life cycle. In the beginning, they always do their best to acquire initial users by getting best software team, innovative content creators, great business partners and efficient marketing wing. Centralized platforms are systems with diversified network effects. As the platform goes through the S-curve of adoption, their potential for users and third parties grows steadily.

But, when they hit the top of the S curve, KABOOOM! The relationship with the participants always get stuck at a level!

The easiest way forward relies on extracting data from users and competing with competitors over audiences and profits. Taking a look at the S curve it’s so evident that in the beginning every team works together, but moving forward when the platform grows and reaches top, it just competes within itself. At this point, there comes a lot of friction, and chances of things falling apart are high.

That’s about how every centralized systems work, be it any domain — technology, banking, manufacturing, educational institutions etc., they do not equally and ethically distribute profit/power to those who work along with them. Their is always a hierarchy!

While, the decentralized system forms an ecosystem to exercise its functions. Here every individual unit in the system possess equal rights, authority, and responsibility. Also it rewards every unit in the system fairly.

“We stand united; we speak as one team; and we will transform this moment into a catalyst for the unity and positive change”- Bill Frost

The Beginning

Considering all the facts, I know strongly that, we need decentralized platforms everywhere. There should be solutions that runs on platforms built by the support of the community. The requirement and the potential of such platform is tremendous. The future holds a big play for decentralized apps. And my community focused decentralized experiment is as important as anything now.

Because of the on-going trend of naming cryptocurrencies with the Dog breed names. I decided to name my token — Aidi Inu ($AIDI) after my friend Haru the Aidi.

The more I started to look into how crypto currencies are built, I came across ERC tokens and Ethereum blockchain every day. It was so easy for me to understand about Accounts , Transactions, Ethereum Virtual Machine etc. I felt we all were speaking the same language! Haha; Thanks to my programming classes I had during by bachelors! The moment I got an idea about what Ethereum platform is and how the smart contracts are written, I gave a call to my friend — Terumi (name changed), to help me a little with the coding part. Terumi and I have been friends since childhood, and she is a hard-core software engineer.

We developed $AIDI with FOUR motives:

1. 100% decentralized

2. Community driven

3. Rewards for the community

4. Truly deflationary

Most of the existing tokens are exceptionally awesome, but the concepts have one downside: impermanent loss (IL). If you’ve been involved with DeFi at all, you almost certainly heard this term thrown around. Impermanent loss happens when the price of your tokens changes compared to when you deposited them in the pool. The larger the change is, the bigger the loss.

While, $AIDI applies a 2% fee on all transactions, whether it is a buy or a sell. Then 1% fee is burned and other 1% fee is automatically distributed to holders as rewards, without farming.

This also means that the amount of the $AIDI in the holder’s wallet will grow with every $AIDI transaction in a truly deflationary way. Also, IL is avoided altogether and in effect you get paid for just holding $AIDI, i.e community gets rewarded extra for its every involvement.

“Decentralization is a good thing, maybe best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” — Unknown

$AIDI token is now released on Ethereum Mainnet. Please visit our website to get all the latest updates, new feature announcements, roadmap 2021 and also to learn on how to buy $AIDI before it’s too late!

$AIDI Inu Token:

